Mark & Judy Word are dear friends and a tremendous asset to the golden retriever fancy. They are also Chase's "grandparents."
Mike and I are most grateful to Barbara Bennett & Madonna Potter who are responsible for bringing us back from our decade long hiatus and are Ch. Chilly's, Riley, Jr.'s, & Ch. Jordin's "grandmas." They were once the competition and now they are family. :-) You may e-mail them from the MWM link.
We seem to have entered an age of extremism that threatens even something as pure as the bond between a cherished pet and the family who loves it. The NAIA is an organization dedicated to protecting our rights to participate in the sport of dog shows and more importantly in our continued right to own and love our precious pets. For more information, click the link above.
Sharon Gerdich is also a trusted friend and advocate for the breed. She is Jordin's "grandma."
With the capable care of Dr. Jerod Peek, Mike and I have enjoyed great longevity in our golden family. Riley lived amost 16 years and Racy, Piper and Cruise surpassed him.
The AKC website is a great resource for those interested in the world of purebred dogs.
The GRCA website is a breed specific website and a great resource for anyone interested in golden retrievers.
K9 Data is a data base of dogs complete with pedigrees, siblings, offspring, health clearances, etc...
This website offers a wealth of information and resources about the disease that steals our precious babies' health.
The ACCR Program, located at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, provides cutting-edge care to animals with cancer and conducts research in the area of oncology where humans and animals interface. Though Mike and I knew we would lose our sweet Dani, we wanted to establish a legacy in her name. We contacted Dr. Modiano and through the help of his staff were able to establish the Dani Cancer Research Fund (Fund # 2001) which will support ongoing research with a focus on the human-canine connection in cancer research and treatment. To contribute to Dani's fund, complete the form linked below and mail it to the address provided. With your help, perhaps the next Dani will celebrate many birthdays cancer free.
To view Dani's slideshow, click on "Dani" and it will take you to her page.
During Dani's illness, Suzi Beber of Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund connected us with Joanne, fondly known as the Muffin Lady at our house. We began feeding West Coast Canine Life muffins to Dani early in her illness and she thrived on the diet well beyond her projected life expectancy. During this time we also began supplementing the diet of our other babies with muffins as a preventative measure and we have been happy with the results. Due to these positive results, we opted to feed Chase's and Jordin's puppies this whole food diet and they too thrived--no internal parasites, great appetites, stools and activity levels. Derby and his littermates will continue on this wonderful eating program. To learn more, click on the link above.